Wednesday 21 April 2010

I began my research with examples of textual analysis, where I analysed the film in terms of the camera shots, movement, angles and the sound, both deiagetic and non-dieagetic. My first textual analysis was off ‘Dirty Harry’, starring Clint Eastwood.

This picture represent the film well-the gun in the foreground and the man in the background. It tells its audience, the genre of the film, this therefore prepares them for the film and the expected violence to come. It also shows the dominance of the man, who I know to be a policeman, backing up the supposed power of this character.
I continued my research with another textual analysis, but this time of, the ‘Usual Suspects’, identifying the same as the first example.

This picture is also a good representation of the films content, as it tell that the film is one about police and criminals. It shows the criminals to be lay-about that don’t care. We can tell the group on the front are the criminals due to the backdrop, which is typically found in a police station/ film.
Below is an example of the essay I wrote, to show that it was effective in influencing my film.

“This clip opens with a tracking/ establishing shot of the sea, it is an establishing shot because it sets the scene. This is backed up by the later long shot of the boat which finalises the fact that the part of the film is shot on a boat. The lighting here is extremely poor. This is effective for establishing that that the scene is set at night.”
This extract shows that the textual analyses influenced my most recent work, because it establishes the lighting and a number of camera shots and angles that I later featured in my preliminary task- the establishing shot at the beginning and the high angle shot later.

I feel that doing these textual analysis’ helped broaden my knowledge of the rang of camera shots, angles and movement as well as effective sound and ineffective sound. This influenced my piece most with the range of shots. For example, in my preliminary piece, there is a high angle shot, which shows the subject to be small and inferior. This relates back, mainly, to ‘Dirty Harry’, as the target is shown through a high angle shot, showing that she is inferior and small compared to the character the audience see first.

film genres
comedy:a film with a basic and easy to follow plot, that usually ends in a funny or happy way.
 thriller:usually consists of great conflict, whick more often than not is psychal, between two main characters or groups. the plot often keeps the audience in suspence
 action: is where in the story is largely told through physical action as opposed to dialogue. The action typically involves individual efforts on the part of the hero.
 horror:the majority of horror films contain a vast amount of violence and gore with lots of blood. Because of this horror films are often not rated below the 15 age range of consent.
 Adventure: usually has evidence of a battle or fight an often results in justice for the protagonist or the finding of treasure.
 Animation: A cartoon drawing brought to life using CGI. the plot is usually easy to follow,a sit is often aimed at younger audience with a common guideline rating of U.
 fantasy: A film that is usually magical or based on makle believe situations.They are as far away from reality as possible. 
musicals: in which characters show there emotions through song and dance rather than words or dialoge.
romance:sterotypically casts two protagonists, a male and a female, who end up falling in love at the end. They often make the audience cry with their heartwrencing storylines.
 science-fiction:usually located in outta space, and contains things from the future, like robots and floating cities. They also try to show what life is like on other planets, because this is such a vage subject, there is no incorrect way to show these ways of life so the directors can let their imaginations run wild with ideas.  
 psychological thriller: the main difference between a psychological thriller and a thriller is that the conflict is more emotional in a psychological thriller than in a normal thriller.  

for our final sequence we have decided to follow the genre of psychological thriller as we thaught it would have mor of a lasting influence on the audience, a nd it would create an emotional, and exciting atmosphere to the film.